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Movie Freaks

Your task:

Choose randomly 10 adjectives from the deck of cards or from your book 
Study the adjectives well! Write them in your notebook

Adjectives, long and short (comparing) adjectives
Writing a description

Writing a film review

1. Describe your characters (three or four):
Create a mind map with at least five adjectives describing the characters
Design them. Draw your character. Draw the best, most interesting, most vivid, most specific!

Write a full text describing your character

(Here is a link to a website created by my instructor at ETI Malta Erasmus courses, Mr. Cordina)

2. Study examples of plot development:


 Colorful Bird
Circular plot.jpg
Story mountain.png

Evaluation form

Movie Freaks evaluation.png

Scan the QR-code and answer questions

How to write a film review:

  • What is the name of the movie?

  • Start with a fact or opinion of the movie. Get your audience interested!

  • Give your opinion early on: Great movie/ good movie/ okay movie

  • Support your opinion with facts from the movie

    • I really liked this part.. because

    • I would have wanted this part to be different because…

    • I didn’t like this part because…

  • The plot was clear and had a clear ending and a finish

    • Was it based on a circular plot, false start, three-act structure, story mountain or begin with the ending?

    • What did you think about the characters?

  • What happens in the movie in three sentences?

    • start 2. middle 3. ending

  • State three things you really liked and give one suggestion!

  • End your film review with a closure! This film is worth watching, because…!!

Film review.png

How to write a film review:

Scan the QR-code for the film review.

Work on your own device. Copy the text and paste it underneath.

Write your review.

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