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Once upon a time!


Let's talk about fairy tales

A Natural Girl

Key words:

Little Red Riding Hood

Fairytales, Fabels,

National tales, Children's stories, character, national epic tale,

word of mouth, oral history, storytelling, moral, proverb,

Aisopos, Hans Christian Andersen, Jean de La Fontaine,



Jack and the beanstalk



Common features of Fairy tales

1. A fairy tale begins with "Once upon a time...”
2. Fairy tales happens long time ago.
3. Fairy Tales have fantasy and make believe in them.
4. Fairy Tales have clearly defined Good characters vs. Evil characters.
5. Royalty is usually present in a fairy tale, a beautiful princess/handsome prince.
6. There may be magic with giants, elves, talking animals, witches or fairies.
7. Fairy tales have a problem that needs to be solved.
8. It often takes three tries to solve the problem.
9. Fairy tales have happy endings – “they all lived happily ever after.”
10. Fairy tales usually teach a lesson or have a theme.

My own fairy tale

 Colorful Bird

A moral is a lesson in a story or in real life.

A proverb is a simple, concrete, traditional saying that expresses a truth based on common sense or experience


Moral teaching

Fairy tales often have a moral teaching in them.


Pinocchio: lying will get you nowhere but into trouble and makes your nose grow

The wolf and the boy: calling for help for no reason will eventually lead to no-one believing you when you actually need help and the wolf will end up eating your sheep.

Three little pigs: hard work pays off

The Beauty and the Beast, the Princess and the pea: Don't judge the book by its cover.

Jack and the Beanstalk: Persistence pays off


Practise makes perfect

All that glitters is not gold

Don't judge the book by its cover

Where there's a will, there's a way

honesty is the best policy

Rome wasn't built in a day

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link


Create your own mind map on your own fairy tale

Include these in your mind map:

1. The moral of the story. Choose a proverb. Summarize your moral into one simple sentence.

2. The number 3, trial and error,  supernatural features

3. Place and time, evil and good characters

My fairy tale

4. Beginning, middle and end

5. Non-traditional gender roles (the princess slaughters the dragon to save the prince. The prince needs to clean up for his evil step brothers...)

So the story begins...

Once upon a time...



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